Friday 15 October 2010

Magazine comparison

i've annotated VIBE magazine; urban selection aimed at hip hop and RnB listeners. The generic music convention codes emploed by the magazine suggest the target audience are young people on the go and enjoy having fun.  The main image on the front cover is of a well known American rapper artist 'T.I', He is of african american decent, which tells me the mag is aimed at a multicultural target audience.  The main colour schemes used is black, red and white, which are usually seen as male colours, the colour red is also a very vibrant colour, this infers to the reader that it is a energetic males magazine.
The layout of the image Is shown to be the most important as it symbolises a sense of youth.
The typography and mode of address, is more of an informal (slang) type of address, e.g. " aint no such thing as a secret snitch" this is appealing to a certain group of people young people's of  african american decent.

The second magazine I chose to annotate in comparison with VIBE is 'KERRANG' magazine.
The particular front page i chose to study has a band named Machine head', i can tell that the magazine is aimed at an audience that prefer the genre of rock music because the artists on the front page look ruthless and out of control. The poses strike the eye of the reader the most because one member of the band is grabing the othere with his arm and they are all staring at the camera with madness and intensity. Also the artists are wearing gothic make-up which tells me as a reader that they follow a fashion trend that the stereotype would wear. Aswell as the band, there are many other images reflecting tasters of whats inside the mag, whereas, in Vibe magazone there is only the one main image used. 

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