Tuesday 5 October 2010

Uses And Gratification Theory

Uses and Gratifications is broken down in to four different parts. These justify why people feel a need for media and why it is consumed so much.

Diversion - A form of escape or release from everyday pressures (e.g. Movies (cinema), T.V, Consoles, Facebook, Radio)

Personal - Comparing your life with characters or situations on screen (e.g. Big Brother, Tabloid News, I'm a Celebrity get Me Out Of Here)

Personal identity - Looking at someon else's situation and comparing it to your own, looking at different outlooks on the world (e.g. celebrity lifestyle, chased by paparazzi)

Surveilance - Information about 'What's going on in the World' (e.g. e-mail's, Facebook, News, Gig guides)

All magazines use these to base their purpose on as these are the reason's for consumtion. When producing my magazine, I will consider all four of these and remember that reader's will consume my magazine for any of these four reasons and so to make a successful magazine, I will cover all four considering all possible reader's and their reason's for consuming my publication.

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