Sunday 3 October 2010


For my masthead research i have studied in detail the mastheads of four magazine publications. the magazines i have based my masthead analysis on is 'Top Of The Pops' , 'MixMag' , 'Vibe' & 'NME'. I chose these because they all show very different styles of masthead of music magazines.

Top of the pops uses a simple form of typography, bubble writing which gioves it a sense of softness and a layed back attitude (not formal). This therefore will appeal more so to the audience of a younger generation 16 and under. The lettering is curved and round almost hinting a sense of fun and safety, innocence in a sense which will also appeal to children. The colour of the typography is pink and yellow, these two colours are stereotypically know as "girlie" colours, that usually appeal to young girls in there early teens, roughly targeted at an age group of 8-14's.
The language used is very informal, adressing in a commen manor, plus the masthead also 'clearly' indicates the genre as pop, making the reader aware that it will be featuring artist that belong to the popular music genre.

Mixmag masthead typography is very similar in a sense of the rounded curved shape of the lettering, both publications have used bubble writing on their masthead. however even thought they are very similar the two music magazines do not appeal to the same market. This is evident as mixmag's content contains long , detailed articles and features that will appeal to an older generation. Even though mix mag doesnt have a very formal approach in language used in articles and things advertised , mixmag is still said to be one of the high market music magazines and is retailed at £4.20 per month. This mag most likely appeals to people in A - C class spending brackets.

Mixmag uses a simple block of colour for its masthead every issues, to represent the mood of theme for that month, however most commonly its masthead is white, representing to the reader a sense of freshness and something, but also bold and eyecatching. With a lack of heavy detail, it symbolises simplicity and maturity and complex designs and wide ranges of colours are usually found in teen or young adult targeted magazines.

NME uses the the colours red, black, and white. These are all commonly found within rock magazines and has over the years created itself a colour theme that when seen it may be associated with the rock genre.  

The typography used is a simple block capital format yet still has an eye catching vibe through the majority of the colouring used is red. The font may have been kept to a simple tone to prevent the the masthead being over crowded with gimmicks.  This can also hint that the target audience is of a mature nature and do not want to be shown a magazine masthead that over shadows the information produced on the front cover about the contents of the magazine. 

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