Sunday 28 November 2010

Inspiration for my contents page

What idea i liked from this contents page is that the layout really enthasises the image of the artist in the main feature, showing a big connection. they make each section very clear for the reader to see and understand. i also like the consistant colour scheme through the contents page.

In this contents page i used the  idea of big numering for the pages and seperating them from the text beside it , this almost make the page numbers more noticable and easy to find. The subheading are useful as they show different sections within in the whole mag, but group then with content in the mag that are sumilar ir relating to the same issues/things.

From this contents page i adapted the technique of  croping the images to fit inbetween aand around the text, this shows different dynamics of the muic magazine, and shows the audience a sneek-peak of what they will be seeing in a specific article. the colour scheme used was also very eye catching as i felt the colours used were very coherant to eachother and when all colaged as one , it really make the acticles jump of the page and look more vibrant and fruitful, this i feel successfully grabs the readers attention.

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