Monday 20 December 2010

Evaluation questions

1) In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines ?

my magazine is mostly inspired by "vibe". it uses very similar conventions for the cover in particular
"vibe" magazine also appeals to the target audience i have aimed to appeal to me in my magazine "afro-caribbeans" and so i used techniques and styles from vibe and interpreted it into my mag, however still keeping it relevant to what i'm promoting in my magazine. however i challenge the genderisation of  colour  schemes use on magazine, i use many different colours so it doesn't single out a specific gender.

2) How does your music magazine represent particular social groups?

My music magazine represents a young black youth culture from afro caribbean backgrounds, within the ages of 16 -25 , This is my targeted market audience. i  aimed t reach out to people who are interested in young peoples crisis, events shows, the music scene aspiring and etc.

my feature article also reresents the up and comming music scenes and genre aspiring from these young people interested in this type of music, the interview with "gaza truely" most highly voted for at teen reggae show awards, represents the social group of her fans, and relates to their lifestyles and situations. Ths social group i aimed to appeal to is mostly afro-caribbeans therefore also helping me to appeal to my target audience. The two groups are roughly similar the readers can also learn new thing, and look forward to feeding of positive vibe within the target audience , giving them something to look up too. This would postively abolish the media stereo-type they have attached to the black youths of the uk.

3) A good institution to distibute my music magazine would be through cd / dvd's , local convienient stores, outside colleges, raves and concerts/events. This would mean my magazine is easily accessable to my target audience , and could be found in specific areas my target audience may be situated. my magazine could also be advertised, in venues where they play the music which is fitted with the genre of my magazine, to find people who will have a key interested in the specific type of music.

 These are just some of the places my target audience may be found.

4) The targeted market audience for my magazine would be young people aged16 -25, who have an interest in an urban styled genre of music , with reggae mixes, bashment african music and grime , with a 21st century twist, so my magazine is of a popular interest to them. my music mag, appeals to my audience by teaching the broadening their knowledges about a the specific genre's and features of it.  Which appeals to them most i believe is the fact that most of the arist in the content of mymag are also young themselves, making the young people more enticed to read it . the idusrty my mag is based on is one where they encourage young people to aspire for goals and achieve higher, also supporting them get into the music buisness.

The demographics my magazine provide information about the typical member of my market target group. My mag is a unisex magazine, 16-25 , of afro-caribbean decent. i also had to research the physcographics of my target audience, for example what stuff they would be interested in ? what stuff they like ? what they do with their spare time ? e.g hobbies,food, music, clothes, style , educational interest, and etc. with this information i came up with a mood board , to represent my target audience visually.

5) How did you attract/address the audience for your music publication ?

To attract my audience, i asked a my peers that were from the same social group , within my college and outside, what they found was, a common interest within the genre of afro-beats. From the results obtain , i found that they believe the newer artist established in the genre of afro-beats was that the mode of address that the artist's use for example slang languages and pautwa this appealed to them and made the genre more interest to them as it appealed directly to them. By using the worded results ( not tabulated) i decide to have a special section in my mag, called "one voice" the aim of this section was to obtain the voices/comlpaints of the readers, d for them to comment on what is mostly successful out a the whole magazine, what specific features they would like to see is the next couple issues. 
Also to relate to my audience i had chosen to write about artist from the genre that had recently been awarded for their musical talents in the vma's and etc, to show my magazine was highly up to dat.

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?
from constructing and building a magazine front cover and contents page in photoshop, i have learnt how to use, useful tools in photoshop, such as;

-The lasso tool

-linking layers

-adding affects 

-drop shadowing 

-Changing colouring of text

-Crop and rescale

- fading and etc

By adapting these different skills into my production process, i have learnt how to make my magazine completely unique, and made it different from other peers in my class with similar ideas to mine. It made it look more sophisticated, yet succesfully fitting in with the theme of my mag and genre.

7)looking back at your preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do u feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?

 I think that from the preliminary task i learnt that the layout used for my front cover wasn't very original and unique, it was just a standard layout. My main image wasn't shaped very much, or edited in Photoshop, it had been slight faded and colour base change but it could hae been worked on a lot.

 I feel that i should have attempted to use more skills through photoshop like i did for my actual final music magazine front cover. my prelim task doesn't look like a real mag, however with my developing my skills through out the term i have adapted my knowledge into my production task and made my front cover and contents page look like an actual magazine that could go on sale.

I also see on my prelim task i lack in a vary of different styles font and typography,  it was pretty basic and didn't really fit in with my audience, however in my final production i made an effort to research different type of fonts, and research the meaning and reasons why certain font were used for specific types of magazine. This gave me a clearer idea of which form of typography would be best suited to my mag, and if it relates o my audience.

For my contents page i neatened up the look of it , rather than having scattered images all around, i had certain sections for my image and the caption, this way it makes my magazine look more organised and sophisticated. Finally with my main image , i made it be more relivant to the contents of my magazine, i thought hard about why it was there and what message it put across, and i feel it better portrayed my final magazine, better than the image used on my prelim front cover.


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